Jun 21Liked by Lisa Savage

I like it very much. Creative and compassionate and historically accurate. I’m a sixty-something white college educated retired Foreign Service Officer and I say YES. Bravo Lisa. So grateful you are doing all that you do. I will share your artwork with my two adult sons who are super active on Gaza in SoCal.

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Hi Lisa: I'm anti-genocide and pro-Palestinian, not anti-Semitic and pro-Hamas.

I'm anti-mass murder, no matter where mass murder takes place, or in whose name.

America, stop sending bombs to Israel that kill children.

Why I am paying for bombs and shells for a rich country, Israel, that commits mass murder?

Weapons kill children and enrich corporate ghouls.

Just a few random thoughts on messaging.

For some reason, this popped into my head: Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's another 2000-pound bomb from America to flatten Gaza! For shame!

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Lisa, I can't get beyond becoming a participant in what seems like a backfire exercise with members of your target audience. To be clear, I'm a retired FAA employee, a Vietnam combat vet, and served on the Board of Veterans For Peace. I've shown no fealty to either wing of the War Party, always voting antiwar and progressive. Here we are on the brink of a nuclear war and economic collapse and supporting a genocide in real time most local "progressives" are OK with Biden. The standard reply is either "Yeah, but Trump," or "Yes, that's a shame." Suggesting that they cast a Third Party vote is usually a non-starter. Needless to say, I've lost friends. I'm hoping like hell the disenfranchised younger demographics keep showing up, particularly in November.

Hey, I found a link to that amazing X post on Odysee:


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