Sep 23Liked by Lisa Savage

Lisa, you have really outdone yourself with this wonderfully pointed essay!

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Sep 23Liked by Lisa Savage

Yes the fascists won WWII and continue to rule this country. Thank you as always.

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You're 100% correct!

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Lisa -

Thanks for clarifying our history - always written by the victors! And thanks for raising the topic of students beaten on American campuses. Unthinkable - but ignored ! Though I've read reports by college students from various states horrified by their irrational treatment, and though I saw a video of Jill Stein pushed back hard by a policeman's bike on a St. Louis campus, and another video of two professors at Emory brought roughly to the ground by police, I've seen no public outcry against the Gestapo tactics except from Colson Whitehead, who withdrew as commencement speaker at U. Mass, and from Richard Falk. Fascism is doing a victory dance, and Americans are treating it as business as usual.

About your comment regarding who wrote the lucid statement, I feel confident it was Kennedy. Read his withdrawal speech and his various statements over the years, and don't miss his AMERICAN VALUES - he's a first-rate writer!

Millions of thanks to you for your valuable, courageous writing! Many knowledgeable people are speaking and writing about the imminence of nuclear war but, of course, are censored by the politicians and the by corporate MSM.

Sad, frightening days in America!

Trust you know about RESCUE THE REPUBLIC in Washington this coming week-end.

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Sep 23Liked by Lisa Savage


Thank you.

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Thank you! Excellent post and the editorial you linked to is spot on in terms of what is needed. JFK had the wisdom and courage to do what the current administration weasels are unable to do.

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Truth. The US, far from supporting democracy around the world, has accelerated its genocidal campaign of installing fascist governments, starting with the Shah of Iran in 1953.

You refer to Operation Paperclip, with the founding of NASA etc.

Look up Operation Bloodstone - it's the real horror show of CIA collusion with Nazis. And a seminal event for the war in Ukraine today. Chris Simpson's Blowback goes into detail.

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Important to remember that during WW2 while Paul Warburg was prez of the privately owned federal reserve that his brother max was in charge of Nazi Germany's Central Bank at the behest of the Rothschild dynasty.

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