Jun 19Liked by Lisa Savage

The first paragraph stopped me dead. Then the photo of the rubble. I can't look at rubble now without hearing the living ghosts. And wind, mourning, searching, asking why without stopping the delivery of breath to every nook and cranny. Bringing the cries back to our intimate ears. Hold this, pleads the wind, I have to keep on searching.

Coffee's gone cold. Hands shaking. Because you wrote it again twice. Because truths too big you just say and step back.

Well done, Lisa. I might breathe again in a minute. Then we'll see what happens from there.

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Thanks and I share your obsession with this horrific revelation of everyday life in Gaza. Once I read it on Twitter I could not stop thinking about it. Logical, really, but the powers of denial are fierce. Until we're the ones walking past the rubble, hearing the voices, and continuing on our traumatized way.

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Jun 19Liked by Lisa Savage

Zionists are criminal psychopaths.

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It is harrowing to think about this. And to recognize that the rubble is so often produced by bombs and artillery shells made in the USA and funded by taxpayers like me, or, if not funded, put on our national credit card for our children to pay for in the future, assuming they have one.

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