Excellent. Thank you Lisa!

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Thanks. Theres a lot of work to be done here. Lisa...where do we start? Giving people inforrmation is not by itself enough to change beliefs and behavior.

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Each, according to her talents and resources, can connect with people in meaningful ways. Relationships are a place to start. I'm a comms person so I write, give interviews, post on social media, etc. Others may want to get involved in 3rd parties. And others may want to tear the whole damn system down. Plenty of choices.

Many people go in the direction of addressing social needs that are consistently unmet under the U.S. and other neoliberal governments. I respect their choice, however, I don't put a lot of energy in that direction because it feels like putting a bandaid on a festering sore. The Black Panthers did an exemplary job of responding to social needs AND organizing in tandem. I don't see as much of this nowadays but of course it would be invisible in the corporate press so I'd only see it if right under my nose.

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On political target, as usual, Lisa!

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