Great analysis, Lisa. I’ve started following you and reading your excellent content. Keep it up!

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Sep 13Liked by Lisa Savage

Just one more facet of the evil empire and totally missed stem indoctrination.

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All this is very clear, as the religion was the Opium of the peoples, this role is now devolved to the formidable tool of formatting the masses that has become propaganda and mass media.

However, it must be recognized that, on the whole, these consenting masses exhibit a disconcerting disinterest and political infantilism which makes them highly receptive and malleable.

This, moreover, encourages individualism, the desire to gain and disinterest in “the other”, the “distant” and the notion of “manifest destiny”...

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Sep 13Liked by Lisa Savage

The consenting masses were preyed on, the intentional dumbing down

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Sep 13Liked by Lisa Savage

We used to have a treaty about keeping space demilitarized, back in the day. Not sure what happened to it. Sounds like it went the way of ABM, INF and Open Skies. Are we doing anything START-like, or is that stalled out too?

Most dangerous times since the Cuban Missile Crisis or the Able Archer Crisis. At least back then there was a vocal anti-nuclear contingent getting some media coverage. And the bipartisan foreign policy consensus soberly supported the wisdom of bilateral agreements preventing fatal miscalculations and miscommunications.

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Scott Ritter may have something more recent on START and related treaties, but here's something he wrote about this in Nov 2023: https://consortiumnews.com/2023/11/28/scott-ritter-the-end-of-us-nuclear-superiority/

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Oh cool, thanks, I think I missed that one!

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