Bet you if you displayed these quotes without attribution people would assume most of them were from Trump.

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Another great one Lisa - cheering from Seoul Int'l airport on way home. I missed his speech (gladly) but your sum up here is worth the trillion that Biden claims to have shaved off the debt. The Empire of Lies strikes again!

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Excellent piece, Lisa. That's what Journalism is all about: Giving people access to the opportunity to discover for themselves The TRUTH.

Permit me to share my thoughts upon reading the transcript of Biden's speech:

Having read and re-read Biden’s State of The Union address [while keeping a barf bag close at hand], one can only ask: Which of the two is less qualified to be the next President of the United States, Biden or Trump?

And after reading Alabama Senator Katie Britt’s official Republican response to Biden’s logorrhea [with a different barf bag standing by]: If there actually is an election in November, anybody who votes for either Trump or Biden to be that next President will get exactly what they deserve.

Note: Transcript of Biden’s blather is at https://apnews.com/article/state-of-union-transcript-biden-2024-e84f5134e5201987eb441629aef5240c . Britt’s rant is at https://www.voanews.com/a/transcript-of-the-republican-response-to-the-state-of-the-union-address/7518938.html .

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Fantastic piece, Lisa. I particularly liked the part where you compared Biden's claim about working to control drug costs with the news stories documenting Pfizer's incredible price gouging on Paxlovid. I would add another lie he made: when he claimed to find it "heartbreaking" that Palestinians are facing food shortages and so many have been killed. This was simply a political nod to the left in his party who are raising concerns about the war. If he was really concerned he wouldn't be pledging continued blanket military aid support for Israel.

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Yes, the genocide in Gaza certainly is heartbreaking but you're right in pointing out that Biden claiming to feel heartbroken flies in the face of his 100 shipments of weapons plus failure to break the blockade of humanitarian relief trucks.

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We Americans are a curious people.

As such, we demand, we need, we hunger and thirst for, we live and die by Answers. And not Questions.

We depend ~for our livelihood and wellbeing, for our sanity and security, for our sense of our Self and the Real ~ we depend on the expert, the anchorman, the spokesperson, talk show host, blog spot influencer, reliable source, and, ultimately, The Leader [or Hero, Savior, or Guru] who provides us with All the Answers.

That way, we can make an immediate determination as to whether or not his or her Answers agree with ours. And, if they don't, then, without having to bother with the process of thinking, we can dismiss her or his Answers out of hand and continue our search for The Answers that agree with Ours.

A curious people indeed....

A gnome, a pitiable creature of sorts, stopped looking for the right Answers to The Terror Event of September 11 when he realized exactly how ready and able the government and its media were lo provide exactly those Answers.

So instead, he chose to focus on finding the right Questions. That happened on the morning of September 12. And that happened again with Saddam's WMDs in 2003, the 2008 financial "¢risi$," The COVID Event, January 6, Ukraine, and most recently, Palestine.

Because, he reasoned, if You can ask the right Questions, you will ultimately get to The Truth. Because out of the right Questions The Truth must inevitably emerge.

If, on the other hand, Your focus is on finding the right Answers, all you can get are the Answers You were looking for in the first place.

And what You will get are the Answers that the AnswerMan on the White Horse intends for You to embrace.

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